Our Story

It all started when we became parents ourselves. We'd buy and receive a bunch of clothes for our kid, then realize he's outgrown them only a few months later. All those outgrown clothes ended up in one of two places – in bags and boxes in the house waiting for the off chance that one day we'll pass it to friends with kids, or at second-hand stores (the picture above is my wife sorting out what to keep, what to give friends, and what to donate).

We figured there must be a better way, (especially when you find out that majority of stuff that gets dropped off at donation centers end up being shipped out to overseas markets and most likely in landfills). That's why we came up with Loop Apparel – a more circular, sustainable, and ethical way to style your kids so that we minimize the negative impact clothes have on our planet.

Instead of the traditional linear business models of clothing brands where they "Take, Make, and Waste", Loop Apparel operates in a circular model where we "Reduce, Refresh, and Recycle" our clothes.

⬇️ Reduce

According to various studies, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of all human-made greenhouse gases and 20% of wastewater, making it the second largest polluter behind the oil industry. So we wanted to make sure that as we manufacture our clothes, we do so as sustainably and ethically as possible to reduce the negative impact on the climate. That's why we use 100% organic cotton for our raw materials, and partner with suppliers who share the same values and priorities when it comes to environmental and labor practices.

✨ Refresh 

Another way we reduce the negative impact on the climate, is to extend the life of our products for as long as possible. We do that in two ways. First, we use a heavyweight fabric so that our clothes are durable and last as long as possible. Second, we've baked in a subscription model so that subscribers can easily send back the clothes that your kids have outgrown for free, and not have to worry about it piling up in your house or figuring out the logistics of who to hand it off to.

We take those outgrown items from our subscribers, grade it, clean it, and if it's in good condition, we'll resell it on our site as "Refreshed" apparel – think of it like having access to a convenient and larger hand-me-down community.

♻️ Recycle

According to the EPA, only 15% of used textiles are actually recycled (majority of it ends up in landfill). So we have recycling partners in place to help us recycle used clothes that are too damaged and can't be refreshed. As parents ourselves, we get that kids will be kids and the last thing we want is to take that away from them. We know that they'll end up ripping and staining the clothes – don't worry about it. With our circular model and partners we've put in place, you can be rest assured that those used clothes are properly recycled and don't end up in landfill.

Check out our Loop Tees here.

Lastly, we know we're not perfect and when it comes to sustainability there's always room to be better, so if you have suggestions to make us better, don't hesitate to contact us at hello@wearloop.co